Dr. Sharda Brata Ghosh
Advanced Laparoscopy, High-Risk Obs-Gynae, Gynae Cosmetologist
Leading Female Gynecologist in Dubai JLT

Dr. Sharda Brata Ghosh
Languages: English Hindi/Urdu
- +971 4 360 7089
- [email protected]
Dr. Sharda is a highly skilled laparoscopic surgeon, obstetrician, and Gynae Cosmetologist. She has more than 15 years of experience. She did her MD Obs & Gynae from one of the best institutes in India Maulana Azad Medical College. She worked in one of the most reputed institutes Lady Harding Medical College as an Assistant Professor. Female Gynecologist in JLT Dubai.
Female Gynecologist in JLT She has been trained in laparoscopy surgery at KK Women & Children hospital of Singapore, Germany, and AIIMS New Delhi. She has acquired her expertise in Cosmetic Gynaecology by doing a fellowship, and postgraduate diploma accredited by the American Aesthetic Association & the University of Greifswald Germany.
Leading female Gynecologist in Dubai JLT She has published many papers in international indexed Gynae journals including her technique of modified B-Lynch suture. Her area of interest includes Laparoscopic surgery, management of complex Obs & Gynae cases, and cosmetic Gynaecology.
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- MD Ob-Gynae (MAMC, Delhi), MIS (Singapore)
- Diploma from Germany in Advance Gynecological Endoscopic Surgery & Clinical Cosmetology (IIAM)
- Masters Certified Course in Reproductive medicine & IVF, UK & Cosmetology (America Aesthetic Association)
- Fellowship in minimal access surgery (laparoscopy) from world association of laparoscopic surgeon Cosmetology Gynecology (Greifswald University, Germany, American Aesthetic Association).
Experience 20 + Years
- Saudi German Hospital Dubai since 2013
- Medcare Hospital, Dubai
- Lady Harding Medical College Maulana Azad Medical College
Expertise & Areas of Interest
Advanced Laparoscopy
- Laparoscopy removal of all sizes of fibroid (Myomectomy)
- Laparoscopic hysterectomy with pelvic adenectomy
- Laparoscopic management with the cosmetic scar of ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cyst, endometriosis, infertility & Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).
- Hysteroscopic management of endometrial polyp/fibroid/uterine septum
- Laparoscopic management with the cosmetic scar of ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cyst, endometriosis, infertility & Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).
- Laparoscopy management with cosmetic scar for fibroid uterus (Myomectomy) & removal of the uterus (hysterectomy).
- Management of urinary incontinence by minimally invasive - TVTO
- Hysteroscopic management of endometrial polyp/fibroid/uterine septum
- Management of menstrual disorders & sexually transmitted disease
- Prevention (Vaccination), Screening and management of abnormal PAP smear (CIN) & cancer of the reproductive organs
- Management of Peri & Postmenopausal disorders/Colposcopy/LLETZ/LEEP
- Laparotomy (Open): All Major Obstetrics & Gynecological Procedure
- Pregnancy complete care (Antenatal, Delivery, Postnatal) & management of very high risk complicated pregnancy.
- Prevention and management of Miscarriage.
- Episiotomy & Pelvic floor repair.
Cosmetic Gynaecology
- VaginalTightening/rejuvenation (surgery/laser), labioplasty, clitoral unhooding, vulval
- Whitening/bleaching, treatment of stretch mark/hypertrophic scar/genital lesions