High Risk Pregnancy

Diet during pregnancy

Why is so much stress laid on a healthy diet?

As  mother is  the only source of nutrition for her  unborn baby, your eating habits will affect her  baby’s health and well-being. In order to cope with the increased demands, her  body needs a sufficient amount of nutritions.

How many calories does an expectant mother require?

In the early months of pregnancy, pregnant mother does not need to change her  diet.  However, as the pregnancy advances, one  may need to increase her caloric intake to 300 additional calories a day.  This normally happens in the second and third trimesters.  If a lady eats more than this amount, she  will gain unnecessary weight, and not her baby. Also,junk foods like burgers, fries, cookies, etc. should be avoided as these constitute empty calories. 

What one  needs is a sufficient amount of proteins, carbohydrates and foods that contain minerals and vitamins such as chappatis, pulses, soy, milk, eggs, non veg foods, nuts, green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits.

They say that a pregnant woman eats for two ?

Your pregnancy does not entitle expectant mother  to eat for two.  In fact, ifshe does eat for two, you will gain so much weight that she will not only be inviting unnecessary complications, but will also have difficulty in sheddingher excess weight after pregnancy.


What is a balanced diet for a pregnant woman?

  • During pregnancy, pregnant women’s diet should consist of the following
  • 3 helpings of first class proteins –egg, soyabean, non-veg item
  • 2 helpings of vitamin C foods –citrus fruits/ tomatoes
  • 4 helpings of calcium-rich foods (4 during pregnancy, and 5 during lactation) –milk, curd
  • 3 helpings of green, leafy and yellow vegetables or fruits –spinach, bathua, cholai, pumpkin, papaya, carrot
  • ½ serving of other fruits and vegetables –brinjal, bitterguard, cabbage.
    4-5 helpings of whole grain and complex carbohydrates –chappatis, rice.
  • 8-10 glasses of water
  • Dietary supplements based on your doctor’s recommendation

Is it safe to drink tea/coffee or fizzy drinks during pregnancy?

Consumption of tea, coffee and fizzy drinks should be limited during pregnancy.

How can one cope with craving for foods that are less nutritious?

one has  a craving for something unhealthy, she should first try to distract herself or find a healthy alternative. If it still persists, then a very small amount may be consumed .This should always be kept in mind that the  baby’s nutritional needs should not be compromised

What is one supposed to do if there is a bizarre craving for peculiar non edible items?

A doctor should be consulted as this may be a sign of an underlying nutritional disorder.


Constipation relief during pregnancy

As many as half of all pregnant women have problems with constipation. General treatment measures include: (i) Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day, including 1-2 glasses of fruit juice (ii) Include bulk foods, foods high in fiber, such as cereals, and raw fruits and vegetables. (iii) Exercise daily-walking is a good form of exercise. Exercise and good physical fitness helps to maintain healthy bowel patterns. (iv) For occasional constipation, one  may use a stool softener laxative as prescribed by the doctor.

 Swelling/bleeding of gums during pregnancy

The extra hormones in the body during pregnancy may cause the gums to swell and bleed. Brush regularly,  usinging a soft toothbrush helps in reducing the bleed. Having a dental checkup early in pregnancy is a good idea to be sure that the mouth is healthy.

 Prevention of burning pain in the chest

To prevent burning pain in the chest: (i) Small frequent meals, 5 or 6 per day instead of 2 or 3 large meals should be eaten. One should not consumelarge amounts of fluids with meals. (ii) Foods that cause gas and spicy or greasy foods should be avoided . (iii) Do not lie down or sleep immediately after consuming food or drinking .. (iv)  A gap of  2 hours should be kept  after eating before exercising. (v) No alcohol or smoking. (vi)  Very hot or very cold fluids should not be consumed. 

 Ideal weight gain for a healthy pregnancy

A woman should gain anywhere between 11-14 kg on average. Trimester wise weight gain is (i)First trimester :1-2 Kg (ii) Second Trimester :5-7 Kg and (iii) Third Trimester:4-5 Kg

 Leg cramps in pregnancy

Yes,  a pregnant female may experience an increase in leg cramps in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Getting  plenty of calcium (three glasses of milk or supplement) and potassium (bananas and oranges) helps in reducing the cramps. Stretching legs before going to bed may help relieve cramps.

 Inability to produce milk after cesarean delivery

She should put baby to her breast more often. If the problem persists then she should consult a lactational consultant

Generalized body weakness in pregnant women

She should take healthy diet like Green vegetables, Seasonal fruits, Milk (min. 1 glass), Pulses, Juice etc. If she has fever, loss of appetite,  tiredness on very little or no work, etc.and she is looking pale she may be having less  blood and she should consult a doctor.

 Perineal pain from delivery last

In general, you should expect that it takes about month before perineal discomfort with walking or sitting goes away but it may easily take 2 months.

Pain with urination, frequency, vulvar burning after delivery

The hormones of pregnancy, high estrogen and progesterone, decline rapidly after delivery  resulting in dryness of the vagina and inner mucosal lining of the vulva. As a result, it becomes sensitive to any irritation from soaps, rubbing, or contact with chemicals in pads, condoms, lotions or other topically applied agents.  

 Uncontrolled passing of gas or even stool from the anus after delivery

After vaginal delivery, some women do have difficulty holding their stool or gas. It occurs much more commonly after injury to the anal sphincter muscle, even if that injury is surgically repaired at the time of delivery 

 Vaginal opening looseness or pelvic prolapse after delivery

For this, a doctor/physiotherapist should be consulted who will advice about Kegels exercise to increase  the muscle tone. 

 What diseases are regularly tested for even during a normal pregnancy?

Some of the conditions routinely checked for in most normal pregnancies are anemia, AIDS, Hepatitis B, Syphilis, blood group Rh Incompatibility ,urinary tract infection and diabetes.  The doctor can test for all these condition with blood samples, taken at different times in the pregnancy and by doing urine analysis.

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